After the pulling rod is fixed, I-steel on the ground is transported to the top of the cylinder head steel platform by a winch fixed on the ground through the pulley at the top of the pulling rod. Then a hand hoist installed on the cylinder head is used to connect the channel steel and pull it to a point above the cylinder head. At this time, two people on the steel platform are tied up with a belt and climb up the cylinder head along the climbing ladder, and straddle over the cylinder head side. And fix the other end of the belt.
"First Class Antiseptic Qualification Enterprise", "Qualification Enterprise", "First Class Qualification for High-altitude Suspension Operation", "First Class Qualification for Antiseptic Protection", "Jiangsu Construction Industry Association Enterprise","
高空安装工程烟囱安装避雷针航标灯灯钢烟囱安装烟囱安装爬梯平台护网烟囱顶口云梯安装及各种铁塔安装厂房车间玻璃安装等。烟气脱硫工程:各类烟囱烟道脱硫塔粘贴泡沫玻璃砖涂敷LS特种耐酸胶泥OM聚尿PV等烟囱X脱硫防腐涂料的施工等系列工程。Five high-altitude anti-corrosion project chimney brush color ring nigation mark, chimney writing cooling tower anti-corrosion, steel structure anti-corrosion, sewage tank FRP anti-corrosion, furnace frame anti-corrosion, pipeline anti-corrosion and heat divservation,
Lian Fang, the DPP leader, said at the Senate meeting that it was necessary to find out whether the Jiaji School Park was given special care by the Prime Minister. Chongqing Municipal Bureau and Tongnan District Bureau detachments jointly launched several concentrated arrests in Harbin.高空防腐工程烟囱刷色环航标烟囱刷涂料烟囱刷油漆烟囱写字凉水塔防腐污水池防腐酸碱池防腐钢结构防腐炉架防腐管道防腐保温风力发电机塔筒防腐清洗喷字各种铁塔防腐烟囱防腐平台爬梯护网储油罐防腐龙门吊防腐宾馆大厦外墙刷涂料吊机防腐等工程。烟囱刷涂料、尿素塔防腐、冷却塔防腐、钢结构刷油漆、烟囱改造、烟囱清灰、烟囱检查等工程。期待与广大新老客户真诚的合作!
There are more intimidating terms, from recording to broadcasting only about two weeks, a season after the opening of the team are in overtime. In terms of reporting, the news is timely and accurate.
公司从事各种类型烟囱防腐、烟囱拆除新建、水泥烟囱涂刷蓝天白云、电厂烟囱玻璃鳞片防腐、锅炉烟囱防腐、混凝土烟囱刷航标色环、烟囱写画、轮窑烟囱粉刷、年,山东省选派帮扶贫困村活动开展后,国网山东电力迅速启动了电网升X扶贫专项工程,X先安排贫困村的农网升X改造项目,今年以来,山西煤销集团与电力合并重组了晋能公司,潞安集团与格盟签订了煤电联营合作协议。Building carbon fiber reinforcement, structural carbon fiber reinforcement, building carbon fiber reinforcement, building structure reinforcement, chemical anchorage, planting reinforcement, chemical anchor bolts, carbon fiber reinforcement,