FHB-XA-防火包 is my GA161-1997 inaccordance with nationnal standards for the successful develepment of new refractory materials preventing fire,the product can be Different repuiremrnts for user-base of various shapes made of fire walls, the fire floor, fire can also deal with the need for plugging the holes. Event of fire, fire safety package Thermal expansion of material, form a honeycomb block, effective fire control in the local scope.Package to do with the fire wall,replaceing the past with refractory bricks, slag cotton,cotton and other ceramic materials,as compared with them,fire asignificant package of insulation effect.
FHB-XA-防火包fireprotectionpackageforthe electricity, telecommunications,postalservices,chemical,industrial,business,construction,thecables,tubing,duct,trachea.
FHB-XA-防火包Cable shaft, with resistance Burner , Fire Board or monolithic support pad so will pack flat fire on the pad and leichang compartment, cable tunnels and cable trench in accordance with Domestic cable tunnels and cable shaft of the pitch. in the need for partition,the leichang firewall package will be fire .Angle can be used if necessary Made to facilitate the sealing stent.